Saturday, March 28, 2009

question about art styles

For anyone who happens to collect, or who may be a judge for gallery shows or other events, curators, and artists:

Why on earth are artists expected to have only one primary STYLE? If you present 12 different pieces to folks judging you IN or OUT of certain places, they all have to look alike? be the same media and style and so forth?

I think it's ridiculous. I can understand wanting to see a certain capacity or mastery of medium.... but why can't an artist show this in fifteen different areas? And, why such narrow limits and definitions of what is and isn't art? Isn't it like old news elitism to even have that discussion any more?

I still would like to manage a different kind of art space - almost an anti-gallery gallery -- fully flexible and integrative. If there was one small square off-white room, you could only hang on the ceiling.

Ani Rose

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