Tuesday, June 9, 2009

can't believe it's already JUNE! well, June news...

The newest painting (to the right) is MORGAINE. aka Morgan le Fey of the arthurian tales. She is a major figure in the book, Mists of Avalon, which I recently finished for the third time - devouring the lore and spirituality from avalon. Now I need a harp to play.

This painting and several others are currently part of a show at The Warehouse Restaurant and Gallery. 200$ oil painting.. 24" x 18". I love it -- though some people unfamiliar with the book and characted say she looks creepy.

Summer Sundays Market -- a few of us artists and crafters doing a local market --- hoping to make it big... email me for more info. It's just another way in which I believe people HAVE to be working together and being creative alot in these wierd economic days.....

I feel afraid for the two women journalists in North Korea... and still pissed that Cutler left the Broncos.
Otherwise, for now --- have a good day.

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